Category: Uncategorized

New Years Solidarity Greetings to All

Friends & comrades:   New Years Solidarity Greetings to all anarcho-syndicalist comrades, libertarian workers and libertarian socialists around the globe!   Yours in the struggle for a New World! Yours in solidarity, Workers Solidarity Workers Solidarity Introductory comments: It is not enough, we think, to try…

3rd IWA Asia-Pacific

The 3rd IWA Asia-Pacific convergence took place with comrades from Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, Japan, South Korea and Australia in attendence, while more people online. The event is meant to share experiences and information and strengthen contacts in the region. Statement from the attendees…

The birth of the International Workers Association (AIT-IWA)

Reposted as this pamphlet has some very interesting articles. “Contents: * From revolutionary syndicalism to anarchosyndicalism: The birth of the International Workers Association (IWA) in Berlin, 1922 * AIT-IWA’s founding congress twice interrupted by German police. * Emma Goldman, witness of the AIT-IWA founding Congress. *…

Internationalism a key aspect of anarcho-syndicalism

Internationalism is a key aspect of worker solidarity (anarcho-syndicalism) “The object of the workers organization consists in associating the waged for the fight against the exploiting class in accord with the slogan of the 1st international “the emancipation of the workers will be the work of…

“The crisis of power”

“The crisis of power” By Alexander Schapiro “Alexander Schapiro was an anarcho-syndicalist militant active in the international anarchist movement and the revolutionary anarcho-syndicalist movement in Russia during the Russian Revolution and civil war (Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, Volume One: From Anarchy to Anarchism,…

“The libertarian principle of workers’ control…..”

“The libertarian principle of workers’ control will not be invalidated by changes in the composition of the work force or in the nature of work itself. With or without automation, the economic structure of the new society must be based on self-administration by the people directly…


LETS NOT FORGET THE ANTI-WAR PRISONERS IN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE! As of February 24, 2022, many Russians have demonstrated their opposition to the war started by Putin and the Russian oligarchs. For this reason, the new goulags are thrown into prisons and even in “severe penitentiary…

“The Making of the International Confederation of Labor in Spain”

From a member of the Polish ZWIĄZEK SYNDYKALISTÓW POLSKI (ZSP), affiliated with the International Workers Association on the on-going situation between the CNT-AIT and the ICL affiliate in Spain.  “On The Line” is in solidarity with the “Aims & Principles” of the IWA. The Making of the International…