Warsaw, Poland: Polish anarcho-syndicalists of the ZSP successfully fighting wage theft in Zabka markets
Another success for direct action at Zabka!
Over the last couple of years, ZSP has been successfully fighting wage theft in Zabka markets, a large chain store in Poland. There are many instances where Zabka franchisees don’t hire people with contracts and don’t pay workers properly or even at all. The shop on Ogrodowa St. in Warsaw hired a 16-year-old student and then paid him only 1/6 of what he was owed. The owner at first denied this and we argued with him for some while and scheduled a picket. A couple of days before the picket, he finally paid the worker. However, we don’t think the problem is resolved since such people sometimes pull the same thing on workers, one after another. We held the picket to show that we have an eye out and to remind people of the huge problems with this popular chain. The mainstream media covered this story and we hope that this will raise awareness and discourage others from taking advantage of workers who are often in desperate situations.